Seedling Twist For Drill 100%
Turkish drill auger seedlings, various vegetables, flowers, etc. all plants in a shorter time, with less effort to make more planting.
All brands and models can be easily connected to drills. (For ideal operation, it is recommended to use 14 V or more rechargeable drills.)
Main Features
1) Simple structure in linear type,easy in installation.
2) Working with all class of drills.
3) Robust structure, it is guaranteed throughout its service life.
4)Soil plunging angles are specially designed. It is not necessary to suppress from the first dive, thanks to its special structure, it quickly plunges into the soil with little balancing.
5)It has the most ideal working dimensions.

World Wide Free Shipping with DHL Express, UPS or FEDEX/TNT (DAP). (Not to Australia)
What is DAP ? (Delivered-at-Place)
Delivered-at-place (DAP) is an international trade term used to describe a deal in which a seller agrees to pay all costs and suffer any potential losses of moving goods sold to a specific location. A delivered-at-place agreement is applicable for any form, or combination of forms, of transportation and usually lists the point at which the buyer takes on financial responsibilities—for example, “Delivered-at-place, Port of Oakland.” In delivered-at-place agreements, the buyer is responsible for paying import duties and any applicable taxes, including clearance and local taxes, once the shipment has arrived at the specified destination.