CKM5200P Hazelnut, Walnut, Almond Drying Machine Working with Hazelnut Shell, Walnut Shell and Pellet Fuel
CKM5200P Hazelnut, Walnut, Almond Drying Machine Working with Hazelnut Shell, Walnut Shell and Pellet Fuel

CKM5200P Hazelnut, Walnut, Almond Drying Machine Working with Hazelnut Shell, Walnut Shell and Pellet Fuel

Price : $9,565
* SILO TYPE WALNUT - ALMOND - HAZELNUT DRYING MACHINES * Mixer working frequency is programmable. In this way, the mixer helix does not cause shine on the outer surface of the walnut and provides fast and healthy drying. Precise operating temperature control is provided with driver support.

Nut shell, walnut shell or pellet is used as heater fuel in CKM5200P Model Nut Dryer. In this way, it provides drying at a more affordable cost compared to electricity and liquid fuels.

Average Drying Times
Average single processing time for walnuts: 20 - 45 hours
Average single processing time for hazelnuts: 4 - 9 hours

The burner stove used as a machine heater has automatic feeding and precise temperature control. It is possible to operate in the range of 30 - 60 °C.

An average of 30 to 50 tons of hazelnuts are dried with 1 ton of hazelnut shell. (The time may vary depending on the outdoor weather conditions and the type of hazelnut.)

  We manufacture models in different sizes and features upon order. You can contact us for more information.

Technical details
Model CKM5200P
Origin Turkey
Energy Source 220 V Electricity and Granular Fuel
Boiler Volume 5200 Liters

*It is not suitable for micro export regulations, just for partial loading.


walnut, walnut dryer,
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